Sdogi's Blog

Sunday, September 28, 2008

School shootings explained

I'm going to start by saying that Marilyn Manson is not the one to blame so please stop harassing him. Matti Juhani Saari is the latest school massacre organizers and he has a profile that fits every other school shooters profile. For some reason it seems to go unnoticed though and this is why I needed to write this article. It is sickening to watch how politicians use these shootings to justify their reforms.

Somehow not that many notice the pattern with all these shootings until recently. People have started to blame drug companies now and this is much closer to the truth then anything else that has been said. If you check all the incidents from Wikipedia's notable school shooting table you will quickly discover that most of these people had mental issues and most of them were taking drugs to treat it.

Columbine High School shooter Harris was clinical psychopath and Klebold was depressive. Edward Charles Allaway, person who commited Fullerton massacre was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia by five different mental health professionals. Virginia Tech massacre was commited by Seung-Hui Cho who suffered depression and selective mutism. Jeffrey James Weise suffered depression and was the person behind Red Lake High School massacre. Matti Saari The list goes on and on.

Antidepressants usually mess around with two neurotransmitters in our brain - dopamine and serotinin. I'm going to talk about dopamine as it is probably most relevant. If you have not enough dopamine you get depressed, have motivation issues, problem solving seems impossible, you have problems with your memory. But have too much and you see hallucinations, feel highly motivated almost godlike. Mania, psychosis, suicide and homicidal ideas are also easy to come in such state.

You might have heard how meth addicts can't lay off the drug because it makes them feel like god. This is the same with everything else that causes our dopamine levels to go up. Coffee and cigarettes are the first that come to my mind. We know that when we get them it makes us feel good and we develop a addiction. Eventually the effect starts to wear out though and we have to get larger and larger doses to feel good.

You probably start to see the picture in here, antidepressants increase your dopamine level. Other things that increase this level are risk, achieving your goals, also drinking beer. Fits the profile, doesn't it? This has been known to doctors for years although secret service who published it's report somehow failed to mention this.

For these guys taking such huge risk and achieving their delusional goals is equal to meth addict getting high.

It is clear that these people shouldn't have been in regular school system. They should have received treatment in mental institution or special school. I'm no scientist or doctor but the pattern in here is very clear. I suggest you to read up on dopamine and antidepressants and put the picture together yourself.

Related things to read
Dopamine, meth and you
School shootings
Understanding addiction


At 9:44 AM, Blogger RTK said...


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At 9:45 AM, Blogger RTK said...

You can send the e-mail to


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